Review: Gwynne’s Latin

I found Gwynne's Latin a delightful read. I have a Victorian-era mindset and tastes, and I will always be a huge fan of the Grammar-Translation pedagogy (called 'Drill-and-Kill' by non-fans) that I started my Via Latína with. This book is a direct and concise explanation of the most important rules of Latin, with stern and... Continue Reading →

Tempus Adest Flóridum

Did you know that the tune for the Victorian-era Christmas song "Good King Wenceslas" is from a much older song, from the Age of Faith (c. 1300s)? And did you know that the words to that original song are all about Spring?

PDF: TLM Sunday Gospels in Color

As promised on the post for the original project: I have now collected the last year's-worth of TLM Gospels that I had been coloring by case throughout the year, and have now arranged them, starting naturally with the Sundays of Advent, in chronological order--and turned them into a PDF! Note: This first version of this... Continue Reading →

Medieval Latin Reading Practice: 3 Books

If you've had about two years of Latin, either with a Classical focus or of course especially with an Ecclesiastical Latin focus, you will enjoy working your way through these actual, genuine Medieval texts in Latin linked below. Hugh of Fouilloy's 'Aviarum/De Avibus' The Medieval Book of Birds: Hugh of Fouilloy's 'Aviarum' Edition, Translation, and... Continue Reading →

Help with Participles

A dash of verb + a pinch of adjective = a participle. (After declining thoroughly, sprinkle liberally over your sentences.) Participles: Latin has three kinds. These verbal adjectives do everything: sometimes are the main verb of a clause, sometimes serve as the subject of a sentence (and do other noun jobs, when they are substantives),... Continue Reading →

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