Review: Gwynne’s Latin

I found Gwynne's Latin a delightful read. I have a Victorian-era mindset and tastes, and I will always be a huge fan of the Grammar-Translation pedagogy (called 'Drill-and-Kill' by non-fans) that I started my Via Latína with. This book is a direct and concise explanation of the most important rules of Latin, with stern and... Continue Reading →

TLM Sunday Gospels, Color-Coded

All those busy Latin nouns out there, doing their jobs, using their endings, are often hard to keep track of all at once. To help show the various jobs nouns, pronouns, and adjectives are doing in each phrase, clause, and sentence, I assign a color to each case to visually reinforce what the specific case endings are telling us.

Help with Participles

A dash of verb + a pinch of adjective = a participle. (After declining thoroughly, sprinkle liberally over your sentences.) Participles: Latin has three kinds. These verbal adjectives do everything: sometimes are the main verb of a clause, sometimes serve as the subject of a sentence (and do other noun jobs, when they are substantives),... Continue Reading →

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